What Causes Dry Eyes? Here Are Several Secondary Conditions or Situations

People with diabetes have decreased sensitivity on the surface of the eyes and therefore do not produce enough tears to provide an adequate tear film. Not only can diabetics worsen their vision from cataracts or retinal problems but their vision can also be blurred by an irregular tear film.
Sjögren’s Syndrome
This is a relatively common autoimmune condition that involves arthritis, dry skin, dry mouth and dry eyes. Females are more likely to present with this condition which can be detected by a blood test.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
This common arthritic condition also has a strong relationship with dry eyes. It too can de diagnosed with blood tests and detailed history. Make an appointment promptly.
Refractive surgery
It is now established that up to 50% of LASIK patients will experience dry eyes. LASIK causes a decreased sensation over the ocular surface but usually can easily be managed.
Contact Lens
Long term use of contacts causes decrease sensation as well especially when contacts are worn overnight. There are ways to manage these dry eye patients so they can return to wearing contacts.
Intense Concentration Situations
Long term computer use or reading a lot both have one thing in common. These are situations where someone does not blink enough.
People tend to stare when they concentrate causing their tear film to evaporate. After a period of time these people start to complain of dry eye symptoms.
Environmental Situations
Airplanes, sitting near air-conditioners, prolonged use of computers, or forced air heating, driving a car and lack of sleep all can cause dry eyes symptoms.
There are also dietary components to dry eyes as well. Increasing water intake and decreasing caffeine and alcohol consumption will most likely improve your tear film.
Whether due to eyelid surgery, aging or something you were born with, some people sleep with their eyes open. Even if the upper and lower lids are separated a little bit, dryness will develop from rapid tear film evaporation. There are very simple tricks to eliminate the upon-awakening or nighttime accompanying pain or blurry vision.
If you are in the New York area and experiencing the symptoms of dry eyes, contact Physician Eyecare of NY to discuss what causes dry eyes and learn how we can alleviate your symptoms and make your eyes more comfortable.

Dr. Latkany: Monday & Wednesday
Dr. Icasiano: Tuesday, Thursday, & some Fridays
150 East 32nd Street #102
New York, NY 10016
212-689-2020 phone
914-967-6416 fax
relief@dryeyedoctor.com email
Dry eyes, Allergic Conjunctivitis, Ocular Rosacea, and other eye conditions.
Dr. Latkany: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
Dr. Icasiano: Once per month for cataract & laser eye surgery consultations
3010 Westchester Ave #108
Purchase, NY 10577
914-967-4400 phone
914-967-6416 fax
relief@dryeyedoctor.com email
Cataract Surgery, Lasik or PRK Laser Eye Surgery, and treatment of all eye conditions.